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Re: Happy anniversary to me!

On Tue, 16 Jul 1996, Chris Newbold wrote:

> Yesterday was our first wedding anniversary (yea!) and you guys
> will never guess what my wife gave me...
> ...a set of jack stands! Cool-O!!! Now I can start on the
> *serious* mods to my Audi... Maybe she'll get me those OZ
> wheel's I'm drooling over next year... :-)

Congrats! But I wouldnt get too excited about getting the OZ's next year. 
Its common knowledge (Check your handbook) that you dont get wheel on the 
2nd anniversary...this is how it goes:

Year 1 	Jackstands (Or Bentley..buyers discretion)
Year 2	Misc small parts, i.e. water pump, timing belt, mats, CD cases etc
Year 3  Possibly wheels and tires, but more likely car cover or custom plates
Year 4 	Seat covers or a stereo system (one that you really didnt want 

Year 5	The OZ's.  :) IF you were good, they'll come with Dunlops.

Congrats! :)


bob.damato@snet.com (Temporarily Down!!!)
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