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Re: Happy anniversary to me!

Here in WV it's about 12.  Except here they call jack stands "blocks".

BTW, you do know how to identify a high-class West Virginian's home dontcha?
They got three cars up on blocks in the front yard.

At 08:50 PM 7/16/96 -0500, you wrote:
>> ha,ha congratulations, july 1 was my 35th, and i got the same present i got
>> on my wedding night??????
>I don't get it -- how many jack stands does one person need at any one
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*  Robert L. Myers         rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>  *
*  Rt. 1, Box 57            304-574-2372           *
*  Fayetteville, WV 25840                          *
*  Obligatory quattro and sleddog-L references:    *
*  My 3 huskies enjoy riding in my '89 200TQ       *