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CQ shocks: the ongoing saga

I posted some prices yesterday for Konis from Imparts. First of all they claimed
that Bilsteins are not available for this car (maybe they do not carry them, but
others on this list seem to concur that Bilsteins are not available in

Today I called Total Audi Performance (http://www.win.net/~audvid/adspace/tap/tap.htm);
they claim that the Boge Turbo Gas have only a 2 year warranty (Imparts
said lifetime), they cost 50% more, Konis cost 20% more, and there are
Bilsteins available for around $160 each (both the Heavy Duty and Sport).

This on top of the dealer's quote of $1100 for a complete set of stock (Boge)
shocks!! Needless to say there is something wrong, somewhere... Plus all
others quote a 4-hour job + alignment, and the dealer says 8 hours of
labor, no alignment required. Boy, do I feel I have been taken for a ride!!!
I am beginning to feel this is worse than buying a mattress...

Anybody know of shops that specialize in Audi suspensions in MA? Someone
recommended Central Service in Natick -- the guy seemed very serious on
the phone and I will pay a visit next week...

