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Re: July 27th event Moved to Sunday Aug 18
All but one response was positive to move the event to Lime Rock on Sunday,
August 18th. Sorry for the change, but you know Bob D. loves to make trouble.
Here is an email I got from Thompson Smith, sounds like it will be a good time,
and more cars will be there. I posted this to the list, he didn't because he
might be selling somethings. I don't think anyone minds me posting this.
Personally, I am interested in buying/getting some goodies.
Does anyone know what time it will start?
91 200 Q
> Paul,
> This would save me alot of shipping charges...
> Yes, I don't have a problem (speaking for NEQCUSA) with this
> at all. More the better. We have the track Sun Aug 18 - Tues Aug 20.
> Sunday is planned for a wash and shine concourse, merchandising,
> tech session, BBQ, and just being major q-heads before the event.
> Looking at cars, bragging, discussing techniques, tips, safety driving
> tips, etc... (I'm sure everyone will have there heads into each other's
> engine compartments anyway all day so it won't matter). I know I will.
> Sunday would be the best day. I am not sure who has the track on Sat.
> Plus this would give every 'reluctant' q-lister a chance to REALLY
> feel and see what the NEQCUSA is all about. I am coining it;
> "the goodtime region"
> The best part, IMHO, is going to be the t-shirts that I have designed.
> (Boy I am I modest....) Very trick 1995 Hans Stuck D1 A4 quattro illustration
> with Audi Sport logos, NEQCUSA logos, Audi, Audi, Audi... yahoo!!!
> They will be give away's for entrants and maybe some for sale...Stay tuned.
> Plus there will be all kinds of QCUSA merchandise, maybe some Rallysport
> videos and some of my new limited edition Audi quattro prints for sale.
> Lots of goodies on Sun.
> I am planning to still send you the Audi Sport posters. So you can hand
> them out to the q-listers, even if Lime Rock doesn't work. All from the NE
> region QCUSA of course.
> Thompson-
Paul Waterloo TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT 06415 EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com