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Re: 20 questions / answers

>I have been resisting a public flame here for a long time, but I can't stand

>it anymore.

Get ready for some responses that you will not like.

>I think everyone has had enough of the crap that you are handing out.  Why 
>don't you present the other side of the story.

What other side?

>The club has refused your help.  WHY????
>This is what I hear from MULTIPLE sources at the last event you attended. 
>	You;  
>	1.	Tried to take over at rhe last minute, then got pissy when 
>		the event master said no.

I was asked to settle things down after Kent Anderson went on a "F**K 
you" tirade to all the students, there were multiple off road excursions 
on the first day of the "Instructor Clinic"  The students were out of 
control as was Kent Anderson. I never tried to take the event over....  I 
was asked to solve some problems.  Don't belive me ask the other list 
members that were there. Kent was the person that went nut's.  Many 
witnessed it, and it's not the first time that has happend.  I never got 

>	2. 	Did some very unprofessional hot dog stunts in the infield 
>		in front of the students.

Like What?

>	3.	Passed the pace car on a parade lap under a yellow flag.	

Well Marshall.... I WAS the pace car....  So how could that be??

>You have also shown to me & the club that you cannot be trusted to follow 
>through with promises.  I for one, am still waiting for irreplacable 
>material that was sent to you with a solid promise of prompt return.

That material was sent by US mail 1 year ago.....

>You also left me holding the bag at last year's WGI event 
>after backing out as classroom instructor at the last minute.	

I gave you 3 weeks notice, when a scheduling conflict came up.

>Don't even have the gall to suggest that the 
>club has refused your help.  I asked, I was excited & was even looking 
>forward to your help.  Regardless of the excuses, YOU chose not to 

Money talks.  I was not going to turn down a 3 week commercial shoot to 
go to Watkins Glen.

>As for Steve Earley, maybe he wasn't an instructor at Skippy.  Just HOW many

>years ago was that.  Were you always an instructor?  I assume you too were a

>student at sometime, but maybe that is wrong.  

I was never a student at Skip Barber, I am a IMSA racer that was hired by 
Skip Barber, Run through the Instructor training session so that I taught 
folks the "Skippy Way" and then Instructed and did manuafactures programs.

>Steve Earley is a school teacher by profession. Are you?  

Teaching is not my profession but communications is. Not only do I teach 
racing but I also teach several Motion Picture Industry workshops for 
several well know orginazitations.

>He happens to be a very good & capable 
>instructor.  I know this for a fact.  I was there, I saw it first hand in 
>real time.  Did you???  Recently???  You have said MANY times on this list 
>that you can run & instruct a much better event than the QCLUB.  PROOVE 
>IT!!!!!  If you cannot, or you refuse to, then you are nothing but wind.  

If time permits this fall I will be running a event that the Q-list will 
be informed about.

>The QCLUB has problems.  It is a fact.  Everybody on this list knows that.  
>Why keep beating on it?  If you won't help solve them, then I suggest you 
>turn in your membership card.  I don't want you in my club.  If the club 
>looses a few of your followers, then so be it.  I don't think anybody will 
>miss you or them.

Questions were asked of the club and never answered.  In the newest 
newsletter the club ADMITS that they have been breaking the law for the 
last 3 years....  Plus they outline the way that they are going to run 
the elections, Which will will keep the board stacked, because THEY 
Choose the canidates....  BTW Has the QCUSA ever publised when and where 
the board meets?  Not in any newletter that I have ever seen.

BTW I thought that it's been very interesting that the only time that we 
hear from the QCUSA is through it's lackeys like you...  I have recived 
no direct e-mail or phone calls to ANY of the Questions that I have 
asked.....  They know where I am.....  As to turning in my membership 
card... It's not worth the the postage to me to send them my card.

One other thing Marshall...  What's the club going to do with the $6000 
profit from the Watkins event?

>Sorry to others who I have offended, but I couldn't hold back any longer.


Eric Fletcher
St. Louis, MO