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RE: Delco Batteries

But watch out for the change in who manufactures Diehard batteries for
Sears. Apparently it changed fairly recently.
- peter

>From: 	HKravec@aol.com[SMTP:HKravec@aol.com]
>Sent: 	Sunday, July 21, 1996 8:36 AM
>To: 	gil@shore.net; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Re: Delco Batteries
>for economic reasons, I bought a DieHard for my 90 V8 three years ago.  It
>was 1/5 the cost of one from the dealer (of course).  It has been a good
>battery, I just check the sg and all cells are still good and strong.  It's a
>lot smaller and I had to adapt, but it's been well worth it.