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Re: No Subject
Official QCUSA response!
David Toppin
91 200Q 64K No mods yet
87 5kcstq IA Stage 1, x drilled Brembos, HR&Konis, Euro lights.
Cape Cod, MA
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id ALCIBGDC ; Mon, 22 Jul 1996 11:40:22 -0500
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Date: Mon, 22 Jul 1996 11:52:53 -0400
From: Qclubusa@aol.com
Message-ID: <960722115252_161505761@emout15.mail.aol.com>
To: pelletmn@ccsnet.com
Subject: Re: No Subject
There are often non-members at our events that come to enjoy the day's
activities. I don't see a problem with it. Steve Earley is the eventmaster
if you have any questions you could email Steve at smearley@aol.com or try
calling him at 802/878-1388 or home at 802/434-4743.
Karen Chadwic
Cape Cod's Internet Address