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August 18th Audi Outing

Yes, we have the outing in the outfield at Lime Rock Park on Sunday, August
18th. The QCUSA has it for the entire day. As of yet, I don't think there are
times set up for tech inspection, etc., but people will probably be straggling
in and out all day.

As far as the official quattro list outing goes (everybody and anybody is
invited), let's do this:

We'll meet at 12 noon. Let's have a picnic or you can bring some money and go to
the Lime Rock snack bar (hamburgers, etc.) for lunch. The snack bar I know of is
in the paddock/infield area, so I'm gonna bring a picnic. We can enjoy ourselves
in the outfield area.

I will try and think of a few things that we can have ready to do. One thing I
was going to do was to show everbody how good Zymol wax is. My car needs a
serious cleaning and waxing. However, I'm not gonna wait til then. But I'm sure
there will be plenty of oxidized cars present (anybody got an old 4K/5K that we
can use?) that I can show you how well this stuff works! I'll even use a British
accent just like the info-mertials. I don't sell the stuff, just love it to

I'll keep the list up to date on directions (will post later), times, and maybe
we can coordinate the food thing.

Anybody know if there are grills/bar-b-ques in the outfield at Lime Rock? I've
never seen one.


91 200 Q

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com