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The Timing Belt Saga Goes On......

So I sold my '87 5KSQ to a fellow lister's girlfriend. The car has 179K on it,
and I told him that I would change all of the belts (including timing) for an
extra $200. 

They know a good deal when they see one (and I know how to underprice my
services) so they took me up on it.

Went to go take the damn bolt out last night using the same method I used last
time, cut an old belt and wrap it around the pulley and hold it with a pipe
wrench, then turn the crankshaft until the pipe wrench hits a support and walaa!
the bolt comes loose. Welllll..... not this time. I guess that Loctite I used
last time worked real well.

So I figure I'll go buy the special tool today first thing in the morning (it's
gonna be worth the price, won't it? How much could it be? $30, $40?). I'll get
the timing belt changed today and the buyer can pick it up tonight.

Welllllll, nobody has the damn tool! The VW place, the local dealer (but says he
can get it through Audi for $118). Call a couple of other dealers, no one else
has it.

I go to a local foreign car repair place and ask if they have one? yes, they do.
Can I rent it for a day? no, you cannot. Thanks a lot you mother f***ker!

So I get a bright idea, I'LL MAKE IT MYSELF!!!!

Buy a 2 1/2" piece of pipe (2.8" O.D.), the I.D. of the pulley is 2.625". Grind
down all of the threads, make it about 2.575" all the way around. A lot of
grinding. I then cut the notch in it, and braze on the support piece. 2 hours
later, I have a tool that looks just like the Audi tool for about $12! I'm
thinking I'll sell them on the list for $35!

Put it on, well I said it looked the same as the Audi tool, I didn't say it was
as structurally sound, turned the nut, and because the sidewalls were only about
0.750", it buckled first time.

Oh well, just called a place in CO (tool company in the vendor list), they had
it and it was $93. Ordered it, gonna get it tomorrow.

Just glad my 91 200 Q needs a new belt ASAP


91 200 Q

P.S. I will be renting it out to people on the list for the low ONE TIME price
of $10. If you want to use it, I send it to you, you return it when done (within
reason). You pay shipping. Then if you EVER want to use it again, and you get a
hold of me, you get it for free, only shipping. $10 to use the tool forever! I
think it's a great idea! Can I sell it?

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com