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Re: '87 5KCSTQW Coolant Question

Here's a comment from Bob Myres on the coolant (the one right below this one):

> Agreed, Paul.  The AlPO4 formed gotta go somewhere.  It deposits everywhere,
> especially where flow rates are somewhat lower, and when it stops on a
> surface such as a heat exchanger surface, the heat transfer decreases
> significantly.
> At 09:10 PM 7/25/96 EDT, you wrote:
> >> All right you phosphate-free Audi aficionados.
> >> 
> >---snip---
> >> It will not be as spectacularly fast as doing more or less the same thing
> >> with a lump of sodium and some water, but the end result is similar.  The
> >> aluminum ends up dissolving in the water.  
> >> 
> >> Oooooops - there goes the aluminum block and all other aluminum parts
> >> exposed to coolant.
> >> 
> >> Sorry folks, the retired chemistry professor in me took over.  Back to my
> >> more normal "duh?" state.
> >
> >
> >But the real point is that the phosphates will have bad effects on the heater
> >core. It fouls the heat transfer surface of the inner tube, and you'll get
> >reduced/no heat sooner or later. Probably won't notice until winter.
> >
> >To prevent any long term effects, I recommend that you drain your coolant and
> >refil with phosphate free stuff. You won't have any problems then.

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com