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Re: Need your two cents...

> So what is the final consensus about using brake fluid in the hydraulic 
> system instead of pentosin(or hydraulic mineral oil or whatever you call 
> it at $10 a bottle)?  Will it stop my rack from leaking?  If so, do I 
> need to flush the system befor changing the fluid?
> Stefanie <-----------sick of oil spots on her driveway
> 1987 5KS

My current opinion is... Don't.

I put some in (probably a fair quantity, I usually can only guess at
any level in the res.) and ended up having the whole system drain out
after about 60 miles and some loooong traffic light waits.  I guess 
it just flat got too hot or stressed or whatever.  

I put some dealer provided _petroleum_ _based_ _product_ (???) back
in and it eventually resumed the "normal" leakage rate.

I think, and only think, the idea is that the brake fluid would
swell the seals some.  I seam to remember this from some other
application.  The downside was (_Now_ I remember...) it also
essentially accelorates the deterioration of the seals at the
same time.

FWIW, the local AutoZone has some "Sealer" that is specifically
labeled as safe for Hondas, Somethings, Audi's, and somethingelses.
My guess again is it's essentially the same idea as "normal" power
steering or auto trans fluid "sealer" stuff.  FWIWx2, I looked at
the label closer the last time, and it looks like the big active
ingredient in the stuff is "lubricating fluids" and "isopropyl
alcohol".  Didn't someone here say a few days ago his dealer
had/suggested to put some alcohol in the system to "swell the seals".

As usual, I'll shut up now so somebody who knows what they're 
talking about can chime in.

(at least my auto trans is shifting better after getting it
out on the highway a bit.)   :)