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Re: No Subject

On Wed, 31 Jul 1996 STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:

> >2)  I have a bubble in the sidewall of the left rear tire.  Should I 
> >change before Lime Rock and if so, shpuld I make sure that the other rear 
> >tire matches since I just found that the tires I have are discontinued.
> Only keep that tire on the car if you want to make an insurance claim on 
> the soon to be damaged S4 of yours......  BTW it won't pass tech anyway 
> that way, And yes you shoould have the same type and age of tires on each 
> end of the car.
> Later!
> Eric Fletcher
> St. Louis, MO
> STEADIRIC@aol.com
I definately agree with Eric on this one.......BTW, if you don't change 
the tire, can I have first dibs on the car?  <G>.....Bad joke, I 
know.....but then I'm a racer and we're all just slightly cooked....