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Replacement Parts Quality

Do you know how many times I have been burned not buying OEM parts? You would
think I have learned by now. Here is a letter to Imparts about the quality of
the parts supplied to me. I don't think they are a bad company nor will I stop
doing business with them, but I just can't believe the timing belt they
supplied/other things.

-------------letter sent -------------------------

August 5, 1996

8401 Hanley Ind. Ct.
St. Louis, MO  63144

Attention: General Manager

Order Number:  242365 00

Dear Sirs:

I am writing to you to describe my personal experience with parts received for
my 1991 Audi 200 quattro from Imparts. I have to say that I was not satisfied
with the parts received. I have outlined my concerns/commets for you. It is my
opinion that a company like yours would like to resolve problems like this, but
unless somebody tells you about them, they can't be addressed. Please use this
information to provide feedback to make your system better in the future. My
specific concerns are:

I ordered a timing belt for the above mentioned car. The OEM of the belt (as
stamped on it) is Conitech. I found the following discrepancies with it as
compared to the Audi OEM belt I procured from the Audi dealer:

			1	2	3	4
Imparts Supplied Belt	1"	0.080"	0.210"	0.115"
Audi Supplied Belt		0.750"	0.095"	0.195"	0.115"

1- Belt Width
2- Belt Height at Non Toothed Area
3- Belt Height at Non Toothed Area
4- Belt Tooth Height

As you can see, the only dimension that was NOT different from the Audi supplied
belt was the belt tooth height. I did not use this belt because of the width, 1"
is larger than the cam belt area (approximately 7/8"), it would overlap on both
sides. I did not check it, but I imagine it would be pinched due to its width on
the crank shaft pulley.

Additionally, it is 0.015" less thick than the Audi supplied belt. This would
most definitely affect service life unless it is made of a radically
different/stronger material.

When I ordered the belts, I specifically told the sales person that I wanted a
12.5 x 960 belt, not a 12.5 x 990 belt, which is what the computer told him was
correct for my car. It is not, the correct size is 960. However, after visiting
a VW dealer who looked the size up on microfiche, and an Audi dealer, they all
thought the size was 992.

My owner's manual says 960, and after installing both, it is 960. I do not
believe that this is a problem with Imparts, just that all of your documentation
(and everybody else's) states 992.

I bought the same belt two weeks before for my 87 Audi 5KSQ and had the same
problem. That is why I am returning two of them.

 The real problem is that I specifically told the salesman that I need a 960
belt and he made note of it and said that is what he will be supplying. It was
not, I received a 13 x 990. It should also be noted that the correct width of
the belt for the car is 12.5 not 13. These small changes will reduce the service
life of the belt. The A/C belt was also 13 x 915, the correct size is 12.5 x

I also ordered a water pump for the car. I inspected it (and installed it) and
noted the following discrepancies as compared with the original water pump:

The original water pump has a machined surface just inside and outside of the
o-ring groove. This is to provide a positive surface-to-surface fit against the
block. The pump I received had no machined surface, it was the original cast
surface. I did install it, and it does not leak, but this design is not as
forgiving as the OEM design.

I also found that the impeller vane heights and lengths differed from the OEM
pump. The OEM vane heights were approximately 0.625" where the supplied vane
heights were approximately 0.575".

The vane lengths (at the tips) of the OEM impeller were 1.110"-1.120", this is
after 90,000 miles of usage. The vane lengths (at the tips) of the supplied
impeller were 0.965"-1.050". One of the vanes was significantly shorter than the
others due to the casting not being of high quality or that the impeller was
machined (bored) off centered which caused the OD of the impellers to be
machined off centered, producing vanes of different length.

The hydraulic performance of this pump as compared to the originally supplied
pump is not the same. Additionally, this impeller has a larger mechanical
imbalance due to inconsistent vane size, which will reduce seal life.

I realize that Imparts does not manufacture these components, but I would like
to make you aware of the quality of the component if you have not noticed this
before. I have also included my old pump for your comparison.

Overall, I was disappointed with Imparts on this order. I have to return two
power steering belts and one timing belt because they do not fit. The belt width
on the other supplied belts was incorrect (the alternator belt width and length
was correct). The water pump quality was not that of original supplied

I hope this letter helps you take corrective action where you feel necessary. I
am a sales person, and I know if nobody tells you what you are doing wrong, you
can't fix it.


Paul Waterloo

91 200 q

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com