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Re: NE Audi Outing August 18th

Paul C. Waterloo wrote:
> Everybody who thinks that there is a very good chance they'll be attending email
> me with number of people that will be in your party. Tell me if you want to
> participate in a community picnic. This means everybody brings something and we
> all share.
> After I get a count, I can possibly put together a picnic/food schedule for
> people who want to chip in on bringing food for a group of people. That way we
> can have some really good stuff!
> Paul
> 91 200 q
> **************************************************************
> Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
> HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
> 875 Old Hartford Rd
> Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com
> **************************************************************
    Count me in for 2. Wife says she can bring a couple of things if you
would like. Need to know times etc. for arrival. Waiting to see your
200Q. Probably going to have to do the timing belt thing in the near
future. We'll BS about it at LRP. Am going to call around about the
thermo switch today if you are interested. Figure around $35 ea. we can
save on shipping if we both order them. Let me know. I'll be ordering
this evening. 

Lorens Kulla

1991 200Q 
1995 LHS ( wish it were an AUDI)
1985 4000SQ ( for sale soon) (maybe)