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Re: Air filter nightmare!

What I had to do was take out the big metal hose from the air box into 
the intake manifold. On my car it is a medium sized metal pipe with about 
a 35 degree bend in it that attaches to the hoses from the airbox and 
into the manifold or intercooler (don't have the car in front of me and don't
remember) Then I could get at all the clips and shoehorn the air filter 
box out. Without taking this pipe out, the filter box just kept on 
banging against the pipe and would not budge. It is not too hard to do if 
you just plan out how to do it first and don't just yank until something 
pops out.

On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, Anderson, Scott (CCI IT) wrote:

> Okay, just how the hell are you supposed to change the air filter in a
> '91 200?!?  I can see the clips on the sides of the air filter housing,
> but there is a lot of other turbo stuff in the way which prevents me
> from being able to get my hand down in there to unclip or reclip them. 
> If I were to undo the clips, it doesn't look like there is any room to
> move the housing away from the mount in order to get the filter in/out. 
> I'm sure people change these things all the time, but how do they do it?
> One of the great Audi mysteries.  There must be an easier way.  Any
> ideas?
> Scott
> Silver '91 200 with 30,000 miles on air filter!