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5kcstq t-belt change, boost readings, power

In a previous post, I told of low boost readings after the timing belt/ water
pump change; max reading 1.5, before was 1.7.  Well I did see 1.6 briefly
yesterday, but basically the situation seems the same.  I found an ohm meter
I can borrow and bought some starting fluid to check for vacuum leaks so part
of this weekend will be spent paying homage to the Audieties to discover
which part they have decided I should replace for this month.

Part Two: I have noticed stronger performance at low revs, albeit modest.  It
just feels livelier off idle or when pulling third around a street corner,
etc.  It does seem a little softer in the top end which corresponds with
lower max boost.  But I was wondering if the power characteristics could have
been affected by the timing belt itself, as in the old one was strectched and
the new one is not and the engine is all the happier for it.  I know the cam
timing would affect the engine if the belt weren't lined up correctly, but I
would think this would have more noticeable affects.  Hmm...  Any input is


Ed Kellock
Lansing, IA
87 5kcstq
87 cgt 2.3