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Re: Verdict is in: Coupe GT leaves me stranded for the 1st time

   WHATAHRIP! (on the labor)

   1.5 hours to unplug a realy and plug in a new one!?! That's not even a 5 min job.....I'm innah wrong bidness.....

   Better find a new mechanic FAST!


   Thank you all for your responses.  I was quite impressed with the number of
   responses and all of your offers for assistance!  

   The verdict is:  a bad fuel pump relay:  $60 parts, $90 labor (1.5 hrs)
   Sounds like a lot for labor.  Can anyone verify this?

Weeellllll . . . bearing in mind that *nothing* takes an hour . . . I mean,
yeah, unplugging the old relay and plugging in a new one is fairly straight-
forward. But don't forget the time to replace the relay socket when it
breaks off the little plastic nubbin that holds it in place. And the wire
that you pulled out when the little plastic nubbin broke off and the socket
came out in your hand. Not to mention having to disassemble enough of the
dash so that you can almost reach in and break the damn socket in the first

Only an hour, sounds like a bargain to me . . . and remember, if you try
to shortchange the Audieties, they'll get back at ya later, when it's most
inconvenient (e.g., the Rt 2 Rotary)!

