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FWD: "S4 Raffle"

The following message was accidentally addressed incorrectly, so I am 
forwarding it to the proper one.  Please do not send your replies to 
me ... Thanks!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
Temporary listmeister tag team member

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 To: quattro-owner@coimbra.ans.net
 From: Bob Davis <davisrp@1stresource.com>
 Subject: S4 Raffle
 Hello there Q-philes!
 I just got of the phone with Jan Stangle at the North Country Animal League
 and she told me that they had only sold about 300 tickets for the S4.  If
 they don't sell 500, the raffle won't take place : (. 
  Keep in mind that I have NO interest in the success of this raffle other
 than the fact that I think the cause is good and I'd like to see someone win
 a great car [hopefully me, but that is beside the point ;^) ]
 They are going to use the money they get to help build their new shelter.
 If they don't sell 500 by the 16th of Aug. they will have to send all of the
 money back.  
 I personally have four tickets, and will tell them to keep the money even if
 the raffle is canceled, but I doubt that everyone feels this way.  The way I
 see it, win or lose, I have done a good thing by participating. 
 I told Jan that I'd remind you all that there is a raffle and what it's for.
 The phone number and some additional information are below in a previous
 post.  Apparently the car is in great shape, and for 50 bucks, you can't
 beat the price.  If they only wind up selling 500, then you can't beat the
 odds either!
 I'm just trying to help them and to let you all know that the odds are good,
 so please be kind and don't accuse me of spamming.  
 Best of luck to you all, 
 >Call North Country Animal League 802-888-4303. They take credit card phone
 >The drawing is at the Stowe (VT) polo fields 8/17/96. 500-1500 (max) tickets
 >to be sold.
 >Car is green/ecru, 40k miles, add snows on rims, garaged and perfect looking.
 >If you win and I loose, I'll be bummed, but good luck, sorta.
 >Jonathan Fenton
 >'93 S4sIA3
 >Montpelier, VT
 Bob Davis
 1st Internet Resources
 (423) 577-9800
 (800) 577-5969

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