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Re: Know your Audis...the Audi 90

The newer style 90's were put into S2 trim overseas.  I can dig up an
article about it if anyones interested.

Brendan Rudack			rudack@ucsub.Colorado.EDU
88' 90Q
Boulder, Colorado 

On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, Bob D'Amato wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Aug 1996, Jeff McMeekin - WWFO Training wrote:
> > I'm thinking about buying another Audi (but can't afford the yellow A4 that
> > calls to me).  I drove a V6 90, but that didn't excite me too much.
> Ditto
> > I'm curious about the 20V Audi 90s.  What sort of horsepower
> > did they make with that engine (US version).  Did Audi every
> > put a turbo engine in the 90?
> > 
> The 20V 90 is boatloads better than the 10V 90, but there is still less 
> horsepower than the v6, but only like 8hp. The 20V probably (and I dont 
> know this for a fact, because Ive never timed it) slower than the v6, but 
> it FEELS faster. I have the 20V after driving the v6, and it just felt 
> better to me.
> They put a turbo in it, and called it an S2 (although that was really the 
> coupe and not the 90 (2 door version)) but it never made it to the US.
> Bob
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