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Re: The '87 5k-S without spark
Larry La Vallee wrote:
> To all,
> Here I am again! The non-mechanic who is trying to take responsibility
> for the care of his Audi -- I'm forced to as I can't afford to continue
> to see my car monkey wired and destroyed, a car I totally enjoy.
> Just a few days ago I got another bill for parts and labor to the tune of
> $352 (Canadian). It never ran better after that work and now I do not
> have spark from the coil.
> Thanks to the Q-list mail, and the helpful suggestions and commnents re
> my demise, I have: 1. became a student of Audi(its a little scarey for
> me), 2. ordered a Bentley Manual (received it on Wednesday) and 3.
> followed the instructions on page 28.52. Now I desperately need the
> guidance of the Q-List Board.
> Mr. Bentley's subject: Ignition coil (with power stage), checking.
> 1. Voltage at the battery ----------------------- 12.39 volts.
> 2. Voltage between terminals 1 and 2 on the
> ignition coil power stage -------------------- 12.13 volts.
> Note: These results are said to be ok.
> 3. Voltage between terminals 2 and 3 (with engine cranking - I smell gas
> when I do this) changed randomly from 1.66 to 1.99. Mr Bentley says
> 2.0 volts is minimal and a range of 2.34 to 2.44 volts is average.
> What do you think of this?
> The Bently book says that I should check the wiring between terminal 2 of
> the connector and terminal 16 of the "electronic ignition control unit,"
> according to the wiring diagram.
> If there isn't a break in the wiring between these treminals I am to
> check the ignition coil.
> MY PROBLEM: I don't know where to find the ELECTRONIC IGNITION CONTROL
> UNIT. Where is the wiring diagram in the manual?
> Checked on coils. Local VW dealership said coil for the Passat and Audi
> are the same. They lent me one -- used -- not sure if it is ok as the car
> still didn't start.
> Pricing info: Passat coil 85.74 (Canadian)
> Audi coil 127.03 (Canadian)
> What do you think about this?
> PLease help me with my problem.
> Give me your thoughts. Every comment will be helpful to this newbie.
> Thanks,
> Larry