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Re: Car Aerodynamics

Alexei said:
>> >However, at higher speeds the realtionship between
>> >speed and drag force is not linear! Hence, Cd would have to change.
>> Of course it isn't linear, but that doesn't mean Cd changes, it simply
>> means proportional to something other than speed^1. In this case,
>> speed^2.
>Aha, so you just proved that it does change with speed.

Hmmm, seems you didn't read too carefully what was written....

>> Sorry, adjustable wings are used to control the overall amount of downforce
>> and the front-to-rear distribution of that downforce. If the intent were
>> "to optimize Cd", you'd simply set them to zero angle of attack, or
>> remove them entirely, as in the case of a FV or FF.
>I knew you'd mention that

Um, yeah, whatever....

Eric T.      '86 5kS