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NE Audi Outing

So far the turnout seems to be good, here's the current count (I know
there's more of you out there, the new ones are at the top of the list):

Osman Parvez	1	89 200q
Chris Semple	1	87 4KQ
Mike LaRosa	2	90 V8
Alvin Seow	1	90 Coupe
Gary Steinbrueck	2.5	87 5KS
Glen Powell	2.5	92 Winnebarge-oh
Paul Waterloo	1?	91 200 q
Jonathan Fenton	1	'93 S4sIA3
 yzin28		?	?
 Shef Corey	1	5KSQ
Chris Gharibo	2	?
Nicholas Pinto	3	93 S4
Donald Eastlake	2	88 90Q
Lorens Kulla	2	91 200 q
Bob D'Amato	1	URQ?? I hope, I want to see one of these things!
Andrew L. Duane	2	90 Coupe or 92 100 with oxidized paint!
Benny Chong	1	?

Ian Duff		0	Spirit only, wife having baby at that time
Robert Meyers	0	Spirit only

Ernst Wong		87 5KS
Mike Davis		81 TQC
Huw Powell		82 Coupe (some gold paint)
Dorab			?
Doug Haley		S4
Alan Tackman		?
Mike Aiello		87 5KSQT
Angelo Alexopoulos		83 Urq
John W. Seitz		86-4000cs-quattro
Chris aka LEMONHEAD	1988 90
John Russell		?
Osman			Hopefully old man's 200
Sabutin			?
Tim			90 CQ or 77 Spitfire

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com