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RE: All Data factory manual/technical bulletin CD-ROM
All the info I have appears to be specific to US-spec cars. I don't know
how different the US-spec cars are to your car, but I would guess most
of the emissions control junk on my car does not apply to yours. My car
has what appears to be an emissions control virus, namely every system
on my car has some emissions control component, except the interior
Check out Alldata's web page at http://www.alldata.tsb.com/. The Alldata
CD includes the Tech Service Bulletins for US cars, some parts numbers,
and some repair info. The repair info is mostly so-so copies of the
repair fiches.
Bentley is the publisher of the US-spec shop manuals. I have gotten my
Bentleys from Imparts, 800.325.9043. The Bentley I have for repairs on
my CQ consists of excellent reprints of the Audi repair fiche for my CQ,
and doesn't always give the step-by-step I expected.
I would have to say, neither is a good basic repair guide, both assume
some understanding of how to fix it. I would also say that the Alldata
CD is the most inclusive, but skips some minutia that is in the Bentley,
hence my recommendation for the Alldata first, followed closely by a
Bentley or two (my CQ requires two, one for repairs, another for wiring
diagrams, I think the '91 200Q is a three volume set). HTH.
Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
>From: marcel@microlink.nl[SMTP:marcel@microlink.nl]
>Sent: Wednesday, 31 July, 1996 07:40 PM
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: RE: All Data factory manual/technical bulletin CD-ROM
>Hello Ian,
>> I would have to say that if I only had one choice beyond this list, the
>> Alldata CD would be it. That said, one choice would probably leave me
>Have you got more information on this CD or the Bentley guide you
>mentioned? I am interested in obtaining either or both of them...
>I own a 83 audi 100cc (US model 5000 I guess), and I am starting to
>learn how do some minor repairs myself (a cost driven hobby :-)
>Would I benefit from buying the CD, even though I am not a mechanic?
>The only book I have is a dutch book describing the car's engine and
>so on, but there is very little information on doing actual repairs...
>Greetings! Marcel
>Email: marcel@microlink.nl