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$400 fee to sell your car

Interesting that you should get a solicitation for overseas advertising for
$400 - I got a very similar offer from a guy in Australia offering "I'll get
you full price for your property - just send me $1,000 and I'll advertise
the hell out of it here in OZ! I have eager investors panting to buy your
properties anywhere in the US for more than they are worth!"

Now I'm a mortgage broker, and have been for lo these MANY years, and lemme
tell ya, I've seen some very strange deals and some much stranger dudes BUT
I'm starting to know my way around finance pretty well. 

So I E-mailed this clown, and asked him some pretty definite questions like
- how long will it take to sell my property, when and how do I get my $1,000
back if you don't sell it, how will you prove you've spent the money on
advertising, where will you advertise, etc.

Answer in a nutshell: He's a moron, hoping everyone else is even dumber, and
dumb enough to send him $1,000 on the strength of a broadcast FAX with no
references and, as far as I can determine, he has no knowledge of real
estate or real estate finance whatsoever. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

Send $400 to hustle your car? Tell ya what - you can get the same result by
sending the $400 to me - you can kiss it goodbye, but I at least will put
you on my Christmas card list! (And probably spend the money on my 5000CS,
so you can take comfort in knowing your $400 went for a good cause!)

I have this 400 lb. redneck buddy who reminds me "They's lotsa varmints out
there, little buddy!" Know what? He's right!

Best Regards (and keep a tight grip on the $400!)

Mike Arman