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RE: Mindless Raves about the postings

From: 	Lorens Kulla[SMTP:lorens@polaris.mindport.net]
Sent: 	Wednesday, August 14, 1996 8:54 AM
To: 	Nicholas Pinto
Cc: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 	Re: Mindless Raves about the postings

Great to have you. Only flame I have is the very long lines of text.
scrolling down is much easier than side to side. Thanks

See you at Lime Rock Park... ;-)



1991 200Q 
1995 LHS ( wish it were an AUDI)
1985 4000SQ ( for sale soon) (maybe)

I'm sorry about the endless lines of text but I'm using microsoft exchange and it seems to work wierdly (is that a word?) on the posting.  Any ideaS ON HOW i CAN FIX THAT???

- Nick