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NE Audi Outing Picnic

Been away for a few days.

I have emailed a few people who asked if they could bring food. It looks like
one of my friends (maybe an audi owner to be?) will be there, and he can also
bring a small grill (or maybe his gas grill). Osman Parvez might also be able to
bring a grill.

Anyway, the grilling thing is on. It might be slow, just like my power steering
pump leak, but we'll feed everyone.

I'll be bringing enough hamburgers/hot dogs/sausages for about 15 people. I will
supply the buns and condiments. I will also bring about a case of soda. I have
asked the following people below to bring salads/fruit/soda/dessert/chips:

Ernst Wong
Scott Hare
Chris (aka Lemonhead)
Doug Haley
Yin28 (still don't know his name)
Shef Corey

I might of missed somebody else that emailed me, been rushing around, and have
to go do some pedaling today.

If you want to join in with us, everybody is welcome. Bring some hamburgers/hot
dogs/sausage, or whatever turns you on. I'll think we'll have plenty for all.
Bring enough for yourself and maybe a couple other people.

I will also bring some napkins/plates.

See you on Sunday! 12 Noon. Zymol to follow.


91 200q

Paul Waterloo                    TEL: (860) 267-7714
HydroAire Incorporated           FAX: (860) 267-7387
875 Old Hartford Rd
Colchester, CT  06415          EMAIL: 74543.407@compuserve.com