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qlist id methods

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

First, required audi content; and a segue!

At the mall (gag; my hairdresser on fire works there) the other day I saw an
Audi 5000 with the trunk lid logos torn off.  Looked pretty bad, only half
done.  My thoughts turned instantly to the recent thread on removing them. 
This person did not look like they were succeeding at all.  The car was
either black or dark blue (male color blindness)... is it one of you/us? 
And how could we make it so I could tell at a glance?

-----------------------------------------------------a series of dumb ideas
about qg id methods follows

paint f & r license plate frames any color other than the original black.

provides instant coming and going id, can be chosen to look good on car, and
frame can be replaced easily, or repainted black.

I believe most Audis have removable front and rear frames.  An alternative
to paint would be colored plastic tape.

I have seen some parts of the country (sp. in CA when out there once)
dealers get custom plate frames made up, instead of uglifying their cars'
trunk lids with stickers.  Could we get some molded up with some identifying
logo or slogan?  Would AoA let us use the four circle design as part of it?

"quattro group" above, "oooo" logo below
"all four one, one four all", split, half above, half below?

I'm not good at inventing slogans.  I'll talk to some natural born
salespeople that I know... and you out there?

Maybe we could get AoA to spring for some "Ich Lieben Meinen Audi" frames?
with a QG mark below?  

Actually Q and G are pretty cool letters.  Maybe someone good at this could
figure out a classy way to combine them.... (you know, like the A & D in
mcdonalds sandwich for old people)

Why don't we all get vanity plates that start qg? {groan}

Huw (with apologies) Powell
82 coupe