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Re: Sorry I missed Lime Rock, but...

On Mon, 19 Aug 1996 09:42:15 -0700 Alvin wrote:
        Due to for some unforseen circumstances, I was unable to
 	make it to the outing at Lime Rock yesterday...anyone who 
 	was there care to let the rest of us know what happened ?

All I can say is...that you missed out!  It was great!  I've never seen so
many sweet Audis in one place...including a very nice V8q.  

The list turn out was good; I must say it was nice to meet finally meet
everyone in person.  Good people and good cars abound.  Must thank Paul for
setting the whole thing up (and for the Zymol demo; I placed an order today).

I think that Angela Duane is going to scan a picture of the qlist crew at
the event for posting on the web...

When are we gonna do it again??  ;-)
Chris Lemon                   
Ph.D. student/Audi head      
Binghamton, NY, USA           