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RE: S6 with dual exhausts...
Boy, $8/hr sounds awfully good, now, doesn't it? Except as you approach
the speed of light (twin turbo 30v V6, my word!), time slows down, so
that $8 gets spread pretty thin...
Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
>From: AUDIDUDI@delphi.com[SMTP:AUDIDUDI@delphi.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, 21 August, 1996 01:26 AM
>To: asenna@accessus.net; QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Re: S6 with dual exhausts...
>> What if, since it is a factory car, that is the exhaust set up for the
>> twin turbo V6? That would make more sense. Hmmmm.....
>It certainly does although VW/Audi do a lot of their desert testing
>here in
>Phoenix and euro-spec cars are a common sight downtown if you know what
>are looking at ... I even saw a Renault Megane the other day and a
>Corsa last week. Haven't seen any RS2s, though... :^(
>Since this particular test route runs down a narrow street with stop
>every block, maybe I'll just tag along and see if I can ask the driver
>is under the hood when he stops ... by the looks of it, though, the
>aren't engineers but $8/hr flunkies and they might not know the answer
>if they were inclined to tell me!
> _ _
> / l l o l \ l o Jeffrey Goggin
> /__l l l / l l l l l l / l l * * * * * * *
> / l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l AudiDudi@delphi.com