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Re: RS2

> for 2 years, he has the car in the country for testing purposes.  While the 
> business reason is documented and legitimate,  the guy is an enthusiast of the 

This is called a Carnet. I thought it was one year, but could be wrong.

> I would be interested in hearing of any other special Audis in  the US, even as 
> nonexotic as an Audi Cabriolet with a manual.  Charlie Schliebs  
> caschliebs@jonesday.com    
Can't help you in the Audi department, but there's a VW Rallye Golf for 
sale in Vermont. One of 3 that VWoA imported to the country in 89 or 90 
for market testing. The guy that owns it worked for VW motorsport US (no 
longer exists). It has no vin#, so regerstering it would be a problem. 
Very cool car though! For those that may be unfarmilar with the Rallye 
Golf, take eqaul parts Ur Quattro and GTI, and shake shake shake. AWD, 
boxed fenders, supercharged, even has dual exaust (just like S4/S6).

