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RE: QCUSA Reality, was Re: My letter to QCUSA...
<I would like to respond to those who would belittle our friend Mr. Goggin
<for his efforts in straightening out the QCUSA.
I too support Jeff fully - he is trying to make positive changes and not 'just complaning'.
<I applaud the changes that seem to be helping the club. I am pleased that
<the NE region event was successful. The atmosphere seems to be changing for
<the better. However, the work is in no way done. Given my past knowledge,
<I must question the finances of _any_ QCUSA activity. Did QCUSA make
<profits on the NE event? Did they charge for their services, and were they
<realistic? To what extent did national run/teach/govern the event?
NER ran the 96 LRP event. Is it my understanding that NERQC will make complete financial discolsure relative to the LRP event. NERQC is VERY sensitive to the QCUSA financial 'funny-business' and non-disclosure and will not repeat past fatal errors in judgement by QCUSA.
<These questions are not just rhetorical. They were earned, by the national
<club, in spades at the 1995 PIR QCUSA event.
It is also my understanding that 75% of NERQC dues stay with NER and 25% go to QCUSA.
This is also a major plus. Looks to me, based on the above and the EXCELLENT, WELL RUN and PROFESSIONAL 96 LRP event just completed that NERQC is really going places and is a club we can be proud to be associated with. Go NER!
Now if we could just get complete financial disclosure from QCUSA......