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Re: Car stickers, Audi CD

Hairy green toads from Mars made Tom Nas, DTP Direct bv say:

> Hi all,
> Has a conclusion been reached on the listmembers car sticker issue yet?
> I picked up on this rather belatedly but I *would* like such a sticker on
> my car... It would be the first sticker on my car actually. No dealer ad,
> no country identifier, no insurance sticker, safety test sticker, badges...
> took 'em all off. Even bought new license plates to get rid of old
> inspection stickers when they stopped issuing them this year. So that
> Qlist-sticker would stand out!


I have one or two stickers I really believe in on my car, and this
one would be right at home.

I think a country-code emblem would be a good idea, maybe with "QL"
for Quattro List.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-881-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too heavy to care.