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RE: 91 200Q boost.
I have never seen 1.8 in anything but 5th. It has been very warm here
lately though, so I don't ever see more than 1.7 these days. I can,
however, reach that in 3rd too (haven't tried other gears - usually too
busy in 1st and 2nd to even look).
- peter
>-----Original Message-----
From: pelletmn@ccsnet.com
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 1996 10:57 PM
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Subject: 91 200Q boost.
My 91 200 Q doesn't hit 1.7 till I'm in third (I think). Should I get
full boost in the first couple of gears?
David Toppin
91 200Q 64K No mods yet
87 5kcstq IA Stage 1, x drilled Brembos, HR&Konis, Euro lights.
Cape Cod, MA
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