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Re: 250-mile report: Dunlop D60A2

Hairy green toads from Mars made Mark Shilling say:

> At 09:48 AM 8/26/96 -0400, you wrote:

> >I have not had any chance to test them in rain (we need it desparately),
> >or snow (god forbid). I'll let you know.

> I've had my D60's for almost 1k now.  Thought you might like to know that
> we've had about 8 inches of rain since Fiday. (First for us in months!)  I
> was VERY impressed with the tires in water. (Of course, compared to the oem
> Michelins, anything would look good!)  Interesting comment about psi - Mine
> looked only about 75% aired up with 36 psi (hot) and felt very soft. I
> increased to 40 for a 90 mile test drive and they acted like I thought they
> should. (Even bought a new pressure gauge to make sure they really had the
> 36 to start with...)  They are back to 36 now just cuz I'm nervous about
> over filling - 36 just doesn't seem right though...

They look like they'll be good in the rain, with those two deep
central grooves.

Someone else sent me mail about pressures. He runs them at 41 all
around.  My original setting of 36 (cold) was pretty good.

This morning, I dropped them to 32 (cold) == 35 (hot), and they
were nasty. Soft, roly-poly, unresponsive.  So, I have bumped them
to 44 (hot), which should be about 41 (cold). We'll see.

I know the max pressure listed is 35 (I assume cold), but as I recall,
this refers to max load capacity, not absolute max pressure they can hold.


Andrew L. Duane (JOT-7)			duane@zk3.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation		(603)-881-1294
110 Spit Brook Road
M/S ZKO3-3/U14
Nashua, NH    03062-2698

Only my cat shares my opinions, and she's too heavy to care.