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Electrical Fires...the Saga Continues

Here's one for the history books.  No Audi content but it happened in
a VW bug so maybe we can make allowances.

Almost 20 years ago I was taking 2 friends out to see the log house I
was building out in the wilderness of northern Alberta. The car was a
'62 (I think) bug and still had the 6 volt electrics (you know... the
kind where the headlights had the strength of ~2 birthday candles). The
car was cursed... I won't bother you with the details, but suffice it to
say that the movie 'Christine' comes to mind.

Anyway, we're flying down a rough, bumpy gravel road with Friend #1 (the
jokester) in the front passenger seat and Friend #2 (very big, very heavy
guy) in the back behind #1.  (Some of you may already know where this is

#2 has been complaining the whole time about how cramped he is and we're not 
really listening anymore.....then he starts to complain about how HOT his
behind is getting and we're still not listening.... then his head hits the
roof as he YELLS, "I'M ON FIRE"....so I stop the car.

Seems the back seat(s) (uh.... both #2's and the car's) are on fire.  #2 was
riding right over the battery and the seat springs were shorting things
out as we went over the bumps.

We all pile out of the car.  #2 starts putting out the fire on his own
seat.  I start trying to pull the back seat out of my car with no success.
#1 (always thinking) grabs a big handful of snow and looks at me, asking
"Is this car insured?".  I say, "YES!!".  #1 proceeds to throw said snow back
on the ground and says, "GOOD, THEN LET IT BURN!".

Ain't nostalgia great?

Ron LaPlace