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Re: what is YMMV

On Aug 29,  2:39pm, Edward T Spire wrote:
> Subject: Re: what is YMMV
> >From: Robert Houk - SMCC Bos Desktop Hardware
> >Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 11:28:14 -0400
> >Subject: Re: What is YMMV
> >
> >   Could you enlighten me what YMMV stands for ?
> >
> >Young Men's Macho Vehicles.
> Not nice to tease the new guys, Robert.

Aw, please???

YMMV = "You'll Measure Most Verily"
  indicates that you should expect the same results.

IMHO = "Information Measured Honestly, Objectively"
  used to indicate a statement of fact.

HTH = "Help? Take Hike!"
  you've asked a question that isn't deserving
  of an answer.

ROTFL = "Right Off The F..... List!"
  indicates that you've typed something so non-funny
  that your list subscription is being terminated.

:-) = "Colon Dash Parenthesis"
  shorthand for "I hope your colon gets dashed to


Dan Masi
'96 A4Q