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Re: Shocks and Springs for 1990 Coup
> But the H&Rs do not like the BOGE's for many reasons.
I can't speak for this combo on any car other than my dearly departed '87 5k
but they worked very well on it, thank you very much. I found the ride more
than satisfactory for everyday use (although, truth be told, I like a car to
be somewhat firmer than most) and it handled well enough that I could win my
class autocrossing it at the local and regional levels despite using regular
street tires instead of gumballs and having a slush box instead of a 5-speed
... of course, YMMV (that's Your Mileage May Vary ... a phrase that's common
to us 'Merkins because federal law requires auto manufacturers to include it
in any ad -- print, TV or radio -- where they mention fuel economy figures.)
_ _
/ l l o l \ l o Jeffrey Goggin
/__l l l / l l l l l l / l l * * * * * * *
/ l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l AudiDudi@delphi.com