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Re: Audi's For Sale! - Next to no Audi content!

Sooo Mark,  are you gonna sell the precious Q's to buy this Boxster?
	Sounds like you may wanna get rid of them as quickly as possible.
I am assuming one of them (the Q's) needs a new P.S. rack or
bomb, valve lifters, window switch, etc. I am sure you are willing to dump
them off cheap, right?  Keep us informed!
Brendan Rudack			rudack@ucsub.Colorado.EDU
88' 90Q
Boulder, Colorado 

On Mon, 2 Sep 1996 GADBOISMT@aol.com wrote:
> Yea but  -  did you catch the article on the Boxster??????  I didn't miss it.
>  Essentially goodbye Audi.  Goodbye waiting on hold for 10+ minutes for
> Linda.  Goodbye to answers such as - Oh that's an 857- part it'll cost you
> $XXX.XX. - Too bad we'll have to order it - how bad do you want it???.
>  Goodbye - my name's  Schaumberg Audi how can I screw you??  Is this
> deliverence or am I too foolish?  Sanity requested.
> Mark
> Owner of Audis for 14+ years  
> Current owner of 2 audi quattros
> Presently holding a deposit on a Boxster