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New Audi (Victim) Member

Hello listers! 
I'm new to the Audi arena. I just bought my first Audi, an '85 4000
(non-quattro) a few weeks ago. After owning an '85 Honda Accord, (a very
reliable car, I must say) for 10 years, this Audi is refreshing! It has 90k
miles and I  bought it from the original owner. It was a "spare" car and
they sold it to me for $600 bucks. After reviewing his extensive pile of
repair receipts from over the last 10 years, I realize why this "list" exists!
After a good tune up, she's running well.  There is still some hesitation
(sort of a "missing" feeling but not as severe) until she's fully warmed up.
I put a bottle of injector cleaner through and that seemed to help a little.
Any other suggestions?  It's an automatic (Ugh! but keep in mind,$600) so
it's pretty gutless anyway.
Of course, there is a lot of things that aren't working so your suggestions
for repairing the following will be greatly appreciated. I do not consider
myself much of a mechanic so make them simple if possible.
The "casualty" list is as follows:

Passenger Front window is non functional (reg & motor - $125 at the wrecker!)
Cruise Control
Antenna (motor works but mast is snapped off)
Sunroof stops & makes grinding noise (only sometimes) when closing 
trunk lifts are shot  (Where's the best place to get these?)
Little Stuff (dash light - license light - easy stuff)

After reading the last few days of "Audi Chat" it seems owning an Audi is
definitely a love/hate relationship! I'm definitely feeling some anxiety
over this recent purchase of mine.

Are there any Audi parts catalogs and clubs available in addition to this
"chat" list? What manual would you recommend? (I already have a Hansens)

Thanks for whatever help you can give me. I feel better knowing there are
fellow "Audi-its" out there.

Signed, Scared in California