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Re: 87 5000 wagon& D60A4s @ 15K miles
-- [ From: Kevin J. Morris * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --
>Replacing the 88 VW Quantum Syncro goat and came across a fairly nice 1987
>5000 waggon with 160K miles on it. Looks to be in good shape (couple of
dings) >but interior wear is minimal and eng. compartment doesn't have that
"been >messed with" look. Will do the full mechanical evaluation with an
Audi >Mechanic/friend next weekend plus up through the numbers on a little
hill I happen >to know well. The chap wants $5,500. If in avg. condition
for it's age, is this ball >park? Any special things to look for on this
particular beast?
Seems a bit high to me, unless he's done a lot of recent work on the car...
I live in Vermont also and have seen 5K wagons of similar vintage with less
mileage sell for $1k to $1.5k less. Eurotech (factory unauthorized Audi
specialist in South Burlington) had an 85 5K a while back -- around 115k, if
I remember correctly -- I think he was asking $3995. Don't know whether he
sold it for that, or whether he had to come down...
Kevin Morris kmorris@sover.net
'86 Audi 5KS (113K -- "just broken in...")
'94 Saturn SW1 (wife's vehicle)
'87 Dodge Raider 4X4 (wife's former vehicle -- offers, please!)
'88 Ford Festiva L (what I drive when Audi is broken)