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Re: New Thread!

I don't know if anyone else on the q-list participated in the QCUSA 
board nomination process, but if there were they're lurkers, because
I don't recall seeing them post here ... well, I'll put on the Nomex 
and go for it.  I hope that I'm not wasting my time posting this ...
and I beg Dan's indulgence, as the q-list policy is that QCUSA be 
discussed off line.

I was a member of the QCUSA board nominating committee.  We were asked
to identify candidates for the three positions that will be vacated on
the board.  The goals for the process were by no means meant to further 
the MN old boys network IMHO, the primary characteristics that were 
desired were primarily a experience with coordination of driving par-
ticipation events and secondarily experience with drivers instruction.  
All chapter coordinators/presidents were asked to submit nominees based 
on meeting this criteria and a few others (such as being a member of 
QCUSA for at least 2 years).  The nominating committee decided that the
driving event/instruction experience not be limited to QCUSA events.  
A total of 9 candidates were submitted, all were qualified to most of 
the requirements but two were rejected due to their not being members 
of QCUSA for 2 years or longer.  One of the nine was a late entrant 
and will be included after it is confirmed that he truly wishes to 
serve on the board.  I truly appreciated the way the nomination and 
selection process proceeded and I'm excited that the new board members
should bring a positive change to the club.  If #7 accepts, the candi-
dates on the final slate are located in Michigan [2], Ohio, the North 
East [2], Colorado and Washington State.  It sounds like the current 
board will accept the recommendations of the nominating committee and 
that ballots are likely to be going out soon.  

On another subject, I have heard that the non-profit organization 
paperwork has been approved.  BTW, two of the members that will not be
returning to the board are a couple of brothers in MN ...

I guess if anyone has any further questions feel free to contact me 
off line, and I'll probably make this my last post for now on the subject.  
Hope it was useful for someone!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)