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RE: 3rd gear doin' the grind

Uh oh. Sounds kinda like the 3rd $ynchro is not. Hope that's not it.
What happens if you take 2nd deep, then execute a nice, relaxed shift?
Still grind a pound? What happens the other way, like when you go from
4th at around 4000 down into 3rd? Toast 3rd synchro should grind this
way, too. HTH.


Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black

Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA

>From: 	jpmahala@juno.com[SMTP:jpmahala@juno.com]
>Sent: 	Sunday, 08 September, 1996 12:46 AM
>To: 	Quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	3rd gear doin' the grind
>For a while, my '91 coupe quattro has had this nasty habit of grinding
>it's way into 3rd gear if I take 2nd gear above approx. 5000 rpms
>shifting.  Chances are that this is not the norm and I am curious as to
>the advice you guys might have on this problem.  Should I start looking
>for a new clutch?  A new tranny perhaps?(Please, dear God, no)  Would
>adjusting the clutch help?  If so, how does one go about doing it?
>Right now I am planning on having the tranny oil changed and hopefully
>that will solve the problem.  I am not going to hold my breath though.
>JP Mahala (jpmahala@juno.com)
>'91 Coupe Quattro