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Grind a pound for me...(trannies)
In reference to the "my tranny grinds a little when...."
My advice to you would be to get that tranny fixed now.
Chris Semple mentioned scavenging a few bits from my box o'parts. Which part
would that be exactly?
The second gear synchro, sorry it's in two pieces. The third gear synchro?
Whoops, the teeth are kind of hacked. Oh, second and third gears. Nope,
they're gone too. How 'bout a few needle bearings. I can't give you the
bearings, but with a little imagination and some needle-nose pliers you could
make some artwork out of the cages. Oh, you want the biggie: the
Antriebswelle, the hollow shaft. A bargain at only $1000, new, from the dealer.
If your tranny's grinding, then something's wrong. Like the man says "You can
pay me a little now, or a lot later."
BTW: My tranny wasn't "grinding" in the normal sense, more "whirring" or
sounding distinctly "un-synchro'd". It didn't "grind" until it actually failed
and couldn't go into second gear. The dealer mechanic had test driven it earlier
and said it was "loud" but couldn't diagnose it without dismantling it and then
said "maybe". Had I had it done then, I assume the mechanic would have found
the presumably bad bearing (note the "maybe's" here) and I would have saved over
$1500 in parts. I would still have had to pay for the labor of a rebuild.
Joe Yakubik
My rebuilt tranny is nice and quiet now, thank you.
PS: there are used trannies out there available for less than the cost of
rebuild. I was betting it wouldn't be that extensive/expensive. In for a
penny, in for a pound....