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Re: A4 oil filter access & misc.

On Sep 9, 12:49pm, wzg7lj@rds2.irsc.gmeds.com wrote:
> Subject: RE:  A4 oil filter access & misc.
> >fyi--I installed a set of Kleen wheels p/n #1647 brake dust
> > shields on all (4) wheels and they are keeping my alloy wheels
> >a lot cleaner from brake dust. Cost about $62 delivered.

> Where does a person order these dust shields?  Also, those are
> such good looking wheels.  Do these shields change the look of
> the wheels at all?

More importantly, how do the shields affect venting and heat
dissipation?  Most people I've spoken to say NOT to do this,
as they adversely affect brake venting.

Dan Masi
'96 A4Q