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Re: HELP! - Fault Codes


if your cars are built before march '90, you can build up a simple test lamp
switch from parts available at Radio S**t.  bentley manual (sect D2-250)
says to use a US1115 lamp along with a second jumper connector.

According to the Bentley electrocal troubleshooting manual, the US1115
lamp can be faked by using an LED with a 1/4 watt, 330 ohm resistor
soldered on one lead.  Build this up, add in the jumper wire connector
using banana style jacks, build it all into a plastic test box (Radio S**t 
again), run the three leads, and solder a shrot length of single-strand
stiff wire at the end of each lead (resistor leads are great).  You can now
plug this into the tiny connectors under the dash & follow the manual 
instructions on troubleshooting/downloading codes.

after  March '90, you are apparently out of luck; need a fancy check tool.

Acc'd to the manual, the insert fuse/remove fuse method is not applicable
to the 20V engines.

For info, the cutoff apparently coincides with the switch to a cast iron
exhaust manifold (from earlier stainless tubing).

Ray calvo (porsray@aol.com)
1990 Coupe Quattro

In a message dated 96-09-09 17:43:21 EDT, you write:

<< Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 16:24:50 -0400
 Subject: RE: HELP! - Fault Codes
 Climate control codes are for climate control and associated junk (used
 advisedly) only. Engine CPU are not part of this function.
 Not sure how to get ECU codes, but Bentley decodes them. ECU codes have
 something to do with a fuse in the fuel relay, then count
 flashes/pauses/flashes, remove/wait/install fuse, repeat counting
 flashes, I think (really, I do). YMMV. It would be supremely excellent
 if the procedure were in the Bentley, but it wants you to use a VAG tool
 to capture them.
 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Ian Duff, 1990 Coupe quattro 20v, Red/Black
 Home: New Bedford, MA, USA
 Work: Charter Systems, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 >From: 	KWHines@aol.com[SMTP:KWHines@aol.com]
 >Sent: 	Monday, 09 September, 1996 02:47 PM
 >To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
 >Subject: 	HELP! - Fault Codes
 >Fellow Q-listers:
 >Sorry for the BW, but I haven't received any feedback on my previous
 >post.  I
 >have two questions:
 >1) The climate control system displays approx. 20 "codes" - are any of
 >fault codes for the ECU or related components (temp. sender, etc.)?
 >2) If yes, then which codes do I check?
 >All feedback will be greatly appreciated as I'm trying to avoid the
 >dealer at
 >all co$t$.  BTW, this is for a cold start problem my mechanic couldn't
 >Kennon Hines
 >1990 Coupe Quattro
 >Atlanta, GA