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Re: Audi S2

Hey! Do they actually sell S2 in Hong Kong? I've been back to Hong Kong 
in the last 10 years, I remembered there were very few Audis the last 
time when I was over there in 1986.

Anthony Chan, First Hill, Seattle, WA, USA.
92' 100 V6 Tornado Red.

On Thu, 12 Sep 1996, Chun Wong wrote:

> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 16:21:17 +0800
> From: Chun Wong <cocw@netvigator.com>
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Audi S2
> Hi,
> I am hankering after a 1991-1992 S2, any care to give any comments ?
> I guess the things to look out for are similar to the a late ur-q.
> Any owners out there give any 1st hand experience ?
> thanks and regards,
> Chun
> btw any one know why the S2 is so heavy ? I checked in PC, it was listed
> as
> over 3300llbs
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>   Chun Wong                               Homefax       : +852 2659-7354
> cocw@netvigator.com                                                     
>   http://www.iohk.com/UserPages/cocw/     Call sign     : G7NQL/GM7NQL