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Re: Air beyond the Grill
On Sat, 14 Sep 1996 19:34:47 -0500 mike tipton wrote:
>Just look at the "open frontal area" on a works Rally Ur-q, specifically
>designed to allow more air to get to the engine. Also the "Sport Q"
>has a special hood with scoops.
>It wouldnt be if there wasnt a need! So with these special purpose
>vehicles, Audi's "engineers of air" deemed it nessary.
Though this in not always the case. Many auto designers will (and have)
slap a few unneeded air ducts, etc. on *any* car if they think it will make
it appear more "sporty" and boost sales. Of course...this is common sense
Seems like I saw a ur-q at a recent q-club event that had *stickers* on the
hood which simulated the sport ur-q's hood air vents. Was this a factory
option; i.e., did some Audi engineer design these?? Just curious...
Chris Lemon