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Door Lock on 89 200

> > > Need some help with my Father's 89 200.. From what i was
> > > told it seems that the door lock on the drivers side is
> > > broken.  The key will go in the lock and turn both ways but
> > > the doors wont lock or unlock from that side, It does
> > > however activate and deactivate the factory alarm?
> > >
> > > So is the lock busted or what?.. And easy fix??
> > >
> > > help is much appreciated!!
> > 
> > Hardly the lock.
> > Should be an easy fix. Probably one of the levers jumped off. Maybe the
> > plastic locking piece just snapped. Take the upholstery off, it is very
> > easy. I betcha its a 10 min fix.
> I agree with Igor...probably the plastic locking piece.  I have an 88
> 5KS that had the same problem when I bought it.  The previous owner
> would have to unlock the doors from the passenger side.  I took off the
> door panel, located the lever and the plastic locking piece had broken
> off.  Just a little wire wrap to take the place of the plastic locking
> piece did the trick.  Its been working fine for over 10 months now.

I'm not so sure.  Sounds a LOT to me like a broken link on the back 
of the lock cylinder.  This link connects to the locking mechanism, 
but might let the alarm arm and disarm.  Fixing this requires pulling 
the door apart (factory doesn't say so, but it's easier...) and 
replacing the link with an updated and stronger part, PLUS you will 
need a pair of circlip pliers with small tips for the tiny holes in 
the end of the circlip.

Pull the door panel and look carefully at the back of the lock 
cylinder while you turn the key.  If you're not getting movement of 
the linkage, it's that stupid link.  I can email directions on 
replacing it.

One more thing: when you replace the link, you MUST center it!  This 
is not as easy as it sounds, or I'd have torn my door apart again and 
fixed my incorrect installation...sigh.
Al Powell                           Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.             Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843           Email:  a-powell1@tamu.edu 
W3 page - http://agcomwww.tamu.edu/agcom/satellit/alpage.htm
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