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Re:5K Mstr Cyls

Well here goes:
78-81 5k gas uses a 22.2mm, along with the 79-81 diesel 5k #431611019k
80-81 5kT uses a 23.81mm # 437611019a

82-83 5k gas
82only 5k diesel
82-83 5kT diesel all use a 22.2mm withoul brake ligt switches#431611019g

82-83 5kT uses a 22.2mm # 437611019b

84-86 5k gas
87-88 5k gas  sedan only
87-88 5kQ
84-88 5kT
86-88 5kTQ sedan only  all use a 23.81mm #443611021

87-88 5k gas wagon
84-88 5kT with heavy load pkg
86-88 5kTQ wagon  all use a 25.4mm #447611021

I dont have a listing for the newer model years----YET!
