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A4 questions

Can anyone who has an A4 and had a little trouble with the auto-up featureon 
their driver or passanger window tell me if the dealer was able to fix it or 
not?  Also, any opinion on the dealership in Northern Virginia on Rt1 between 
Arlington and Alexandria?  I think it is Heishman's(spelling?).  Thanks.

Oh, BTW...is there an Audi oild check reset tool like the ones that are for 
sale in some car rags for WMBs?  My moronic dealer in NJ (Essex Sports Cars) 
forgot to reset the light, plus, when the warranty is over and I will be doing 
ALL oil changes, I would like to reset the light myself.  Anyone know of such 
a tool?

thanks in advance.

Jon Linkov
Blue A4q